Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer Kickoff.....

Im broken...

On Tuesday June, 2... I crashed on my bike.. and now, **sigh** I'm in a freakin splint!! I cant do anything anymore for 3 weeks!! UGH!!!! well... i lied i guess i kinda can. tomorrow, imma build a homemade bike rack out of pvc pipe, I completely moved my drumset around yesterday. andd thats about it.. haha so anyways back to my story... i fell on tuesday night my arm hurt REALLY bad, so i slept on it hopping it would get better the next day, zzzzzz, wake-up my arm is better but still hurts a lot, i tell my mom she lets me go back to sleep. i then wake up at around 8:30ish? and start getting ready for school cause that day was year book day (couldn't miss that!!) but problem..... im left handed... my left arm is totally unusefull at the moment..... great! but i got to school and did all the year book junk funn stuff but when i got home. man my arm was hurting soooooooooooo bad! told my mom i need x rays to know whats wrong with me! she said k tomorrow... ugh! ow! so thursday comes along and my arms hurting still and we go to the insta care place... most f^%# retarded place ever.. they dont take our insurence and their kids place doesn't open till 5:00.... it was probably 11:00... so we went to a different doctor and he got me x rays and told me my arms is fractured and bent??? when i landed i put my hands down and.... ohhh. i see its like when your playing football or basketball and you jam your finger... well i did that to my radius.. and cracked it a tinney bit you can barely see it on the x rays. but o well.... ill live. i hope.... i have babysit a 10 yer old kid this week.... and im stuck on mysace and youtube all day cause i have nothin better to do. yup. ill keep you updated on this situation im in

i hate my arm